Faculty Development Program - Sharda Group (Hindustan & Anand Campus)

Faculty Development Program

Faculty Development Program
To fully realize the capabilities of the teaching staff , faculty training and development programmes are running under the guidance of prominent professors from IIT’s and NIIT’s and other leading Universities of the country/ experts from industry/alliances with Sector Skill Councils.

The Programs are conducted on a regular basis by the Faculty Development Institute of SGI, which is a unique initiative in the self financed educational sector.
Objective of FDP is to develop following skills in trainees:
  • Teaching methodology, Content Development and Management.
  • Communication skills, Leadership and Command skills and Subject knowledge
  • Inculcate Research aptitude – discovery approach to teaching
  • Standardization and quality management in teaching.
  • Motivation to excel in teaching and research.
  • Application of knowledge to real life problems at learning stage.
