Student of Anand College won Medals in National Sports Fest "Kshitiz19"

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Student of Anand College won Medals in National Sports Fest “Kshitiz19”

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Student of Anand College won Medals in National Sports Fest “Kshitiz19”

Student of Anand College won Medals in National Sports Fest “Kshitiz19”

Students of Anand engineering College technical campus keetham Agra two gold and one bronze medal in in the national sports festival organised by REC Ambedkar Nagar.

Dr. Shailendra Singh Director of the college congratulate all the winners for their grand success in this National level sports tournament.

Kaushal Jaiswal, student of B Tech Biotechnology won gold medal in 800 metre and 1500 metre race. Saswat from computer science department and  Rituraj & Prabhu from B Pharma won bronze medal in 4 *400 metre relay race.


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