Research Guidelines

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Research Guidelines

Hindustan Campus > Research Guidelines

Types of Research supported under In-House Research Projects

Research support activities aimed at developing and integrating technologies both in advanced emerging areas and in traditional sectors. Under these R&D activities, feasibility of fresh ideas / concepts will be assessed for their potential into useful technology / product output.

  • Proposals are supported under the R&D scheme of SGI Management.
  • Applied Research and Analysis.
  • Application oriented Research, Design and Development (RD&D) having Production Potential.
  • Prototype Development of Products/System/Services/Software Development (new, up gradation of the existing, field trials and demonstration).
  • Process Development (new, up-scaling of the existing, field trials and demonstration).
  • Data Generation and Feasibility Study.
  • Provision for Production Facility on a limited scale for a specific Technology Segment to enable the Technology to become competitive.
  • Scientific Knowledge leading to future Technology Development.


Therefore in order to achieve the objective the management has approved a budgetary support of Rs. 1 Crore per year for the next 3 years to cover the capital and revenue expenditure on project undertaken by the faculty. It is also expected that the faculty will supplement this by seeking more budgetary support (to the tune of 1:4) for securing sponsored projects from Industry and relevant government funding agencies.


All the head of institutions are requested to advise the faculty member to submit the proposal in their area of interest well in time, to the Director(R & D) with whose approval the R & D projects are then submitted to the Govt. funding agencies.