FAQs  (Frequently Asked Questions)

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FAQs  (Frequently Asked Questions)

Hindustan Campus > FAQs  (Frequently Asked Questions)


Q1. How many Institutions are there in SGI- Agra-Mathura Campuses?

Ans: Hindustan Campus

  • HCST (Hindustan College of Science & Technology), Mathura -1996
  • HIMCS (Hindustan Institute of Management and Computer Studies), Mathura -1997

Anand Campus

  • AEC (Anand Engineering College), Agra -1998
  • ACP (Anand College of Pharmacy), Agra -2006
  • ACE (Anand College of Education), Agra -2002
  • ACA (Anand College of Architecture), Agra -2011

Sharda University, Greater Noida, estd.-2009


Q2. What is the admission process?

Ans: Admissions to SGI colleges or through clearance of  the UPSEE test (through University Counselling process) or directly  under the Management Quota, Lapsed seat or vacant seat allocations (done by college or Central Admission Cell of SHARDA).

For the complete admission process refer the tab on Admissions in www.sgei.org


Q3. When does the admission cycle start in Sharda (Agra-Mathura Colleges) for PG and UG program and how does one apply?

Ans: The admission process for PG and UG programs commences from March.

Application form is available on payment of Rs.1,000. To apply one may:

Option 1: Apply online, Upload documents, Pay online visit group website www.sgei.org or individual college website.

Option 2: Download Application Form for offline submission & submit with D/D of Rs.1000/- in favor of the college of your choice payable at “Agra” only.

Option 3: Buy Admission Form from any of the Sharda campuses in Agra & Mathura Central Admission Cell at Agra; or our regional offices at Lucknow, Patna, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Aligarh, Guwahati information centers. Click Here for list of Amity Information Centers. For detailed information on the procedure to be followed for applying to any program in Sharda Colleges visit group website www.sgei.org or individual college websites admission section.


Q4. What documents are required along with the Application form and within how many days a form gets processed?

Ans: Only a copy or scanned copy of class 10th & 12th mark-sheet (or graduation if P.G course) and a recent color passport size photograph is required to be submitted/uploaded along with the Application Form initially. Confirmation about receipt of your form is to be checked on Admission Portal. It normally takes 5-7 working days to process the form. For on-line submission contact Ph. No.  for enquiries. Other documents will be informed to you when final admission is granted & you join the college- then you will have to produce originals for verification.


Q5. What is Admission Portal and how is the Registration/Interview/Selection status communicated to the candidates?

Ans: Admission portal is an online portal at www.sgei.org for Online Applications (OLA). An applicant can check his Registration/ Interview/ Selection status by logging into his/ her Admission portal with the application form number and the password at regular intervals for all admission related information. No separate communication is sent in this regard.


Q6. Does It Cost To Buy An Application Form?

Ans: Yes The Application Form Is Available For Rs. 1000/-, And Can Be Procured By Paying In Cash Or Through Demand Draft Of Rs. 1000/-, Drawn In Favor Of the college and Payable At Agra Or for Online application at the time of registration.


Q7. What is the significance of option 1, 2 & 3 indicated in the Application Form and can I change my program from Option 1 to Option 2 after registration of Application Form?

Ans: Students may apply for two or more programs under Option 1 & Option 2 & Option 3 as indicated on Application form, e.g. MBA (M&S) and MBA (HR) respectively. Subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, you will be called for Selection process for Option 1. If you are called for Selection process for Option 2, it implies that you are not meeting the eligibility criteria of Option 1. Change is possible before session start date by sending mail request to the Admission co-ordinator who has granted you admission or the Chief Admission officer.


Q8. Can a student apply for UG/PG program in absence of 10+2/Graduation final year result?

Ans: Yes, a student may apply provisionally for any course but needs to produce all the original mark sheets/ degrees at the time of Registration in the beginning of session. However, for a PG Program aspirant, 30th October is the last date for submission of original marksheet.


Q9. How many application forms one can fill while applying to various programs/colleges  at Sharda campuses?

 Ans: An applicant can apply to as many programs as desired but cannot apply for the same programs more than once in one admission year.


Q10. What are the grounds on which a form can be rejected and is the form fee refundable or not?

Ans:  Incorrectly filled, incomplete and unsigned forms are rejected. Form once rejected will not be reconsidered and form cost will not be refunded for any reason whatsoever. However request for submitting the missing information are entertained.


Q11. What is the selection criterion for Sharda Colleges?

Ans: The selection procedure comprises of an Aptitude cum objective Test of Phys./Chem./Maths or Bio English language & followed by Personal interview with the Counsellor. This is for management quota/lapsed/vacant seats for admission through UPSEE Counselling only your rank in UPSEE results gets you a call & you can choose your course by locking your choice if available. Program based written test/creative/physical test is conducted wherever necessary e.g. Architecture (NATA).


Q12. How many Test / Interview dates will be scheduled for attending the selection process?

Ans :It is a continuous process. You can call on Admission cells/Regional offices for appearing in Tests on any working days.


Q13. Will the entrance exam be tough?

Ans: This is an objective type exam testing the basic skills of the student with regard to aptitude as the student needs to complete a course like engineering, B. Pharma , MBA, MCA, etc we expect that he/ she should be able to perform well in order to be able to pursue professional courses. There is an aptitude test paper & an objective type test paper of physics, chemistry, maths, biology, computer science (any three as per combination PCM, PCB, PM comp.) and a test of English, all of 12th std. this is just a cross check that the student has earned the marks displayed in 12th marksheet out of fair means & preparation.


Q14. What all documents one need to carry on the day of selection process/filling up the form?

Ans: A student needs to carry all the mark sheets photo copies (self-attested) as well as essential credentials (photo copies self-attested) originals.


Q15. What Are The Documents Required For Admissions?


Self attested pass certificate of Class Xth

Self attested mark sheet of Class Xth

Self attested pass certificate of Class XIIth

Self attested mark sheet of Class XIIth

Self attested mark sheet of Graduation (All semesters/Years) wherever applicable

Competitive Entrance Exam given wherever applicable

Migration /Transfer Certificate

Recent Passport size colored photographs – 4

After the admission fee is deposited-originals shall have to be submitted for verification which will be returned after verification.



Q16.(a) Till what time the colleges schedules test/interview dates/ or the Admission Process?

Ans: Test/interview dates are scheduled until all the available seats are full. The admission committee notifies the applicant on the last date of the test/interview on the Admission portal (foron-line). An approx. closing date is 15th of August.

       ( b) What are the fee payment options available after selection?

Ans: For fee payment you may either avail net banking or make the payment at any HDFC Bank branch with cash/DD or NEFT in the college Accounts and produce the receipt in respective college Accounts office. You can choose the DD (payable at Agra) directly with Accounts office.

       (c) Can I make partial payment after selection so as to reserve my seat in SHARDA?

Ans: Partial payments are generally not accepted. You are required to pay first semester fee as well as academic security fee in full as per the deadline specified in the selection letter, with special permission of Admission Counsellor/Director & the balance has to be cleared before the start of Even semester.


Q17. What system of education is followed at Sharda Colleges?

Ans: Sharda Colleges follows semester system of AKTU which is in conformity with the global practices and standards. Students are required to clear three class tests in each semester with a minimum score of 30% and the end semester exam score of 30%; the total aggregate being 50% overall. For more details please visit AKTU website www.aktu.nic.in


Q18. What if one fails to deposit the fee as per the last date mentioned on the admission letter?

Ans: If you are not able to pay the fees within the specified date due to some valid reason, you are required to approach the admission office for an extension. Depending upon the availability of seats and decision of Admission Committee, further extension of date may be considered.


Q19. When does the candidate report for Registration in the Academics/Hostel and what is the list of documents required?

Ans: Selected candidates offered Admission can report for registration on the program commencement date as informed by Registrar office. Candidates will not be allowed to register for the program/hostel 10 days post the commencement date unless permission was so granted under any circumstances. Hostel seat (if applicable) will automatically get cancelled. For hostel booking please contact the Chief Warden of the respective college when admission is granted & reserve your hostel seat.


Q20. What is the attendance requirement and when is the attendance calculated from?

Ans: A minimum of 75% attendance is required to appear in the examinations. Attendance of a student is calculated from the date of commencement of program or date of registration (whichever is later).


Q21. Is there some percentage of mandatory attendance?

 Ans: Yes 75% attendance is necessary for every student; failing which the students may not be allowed to sit for Minor Tests (Class Tests) or End Semester Examination.


Q22. What are the SHARDA Scholarship (Academic/Sports) schemes?

Ans: SHARDA Scholarships are instituted to help those who are brilliant in academics and deserve world class education but don’t have the required means. Diverse Scholarships offered at SHARDA are mentioned in the scholarship Tab of the group website www.sgei.org


Q23. What about Government scholarship? Why does your college not advertise anything about scholarship/ Samaj Kalyan Yojana?

Ans: If you have applied through AKTU counselling, Govt. scholarships for economically underprivileged sections (SC/ST, OBC)… under the ”Samaj Kalyan scheme” …… for further information contact our  Counsellors at Central Admission Cell

Under the Management Quota….Scholarships are available to economically weak and meritorious students up to a cumulative value of Rs 1 cr…..refer Scholarship tab  for details. A few fee waiver seats in each branch (about 5) is available for which the student has to submit Application to AKTU for the fee waiver Quota with an income certificate of parents (refer AKTU website for details).


Q24. Does SHARDA College help in availing Education Loan?

 Ans: If being a recognized & approved institution education loan faculities from Govt. Banks can be availed. Colleges provide the required Fee statement letter.


Q25. Do you provide any assistance in Education loan?

Ans: We provide you with the loan letter through which you can apply in any bank for the education loan. The loan letter specifying the annual fee is released by the college Registrar office upon the students request once the student has filled in the form & shown his/her inclination to seek admission.


Q26. Is Hostel/Residential facility available in Sharda campuses?

Ans: Yes, Sharda campuses offer comprehensive hostel (Non AC) facilities for boys and girls separately within the College campus. The detailed availability campus wise is given in the group website in “Hostels” Tab visit www.sgei.org


Q27. How are the hostel facilities?

Ans: Most students of our college prefer to stay in hostels because of wonderful facilities provided like in campus accommodation, good infrastructure, learning Environment, 24×7 in house faculty,24×7 wi-fi and Internet facilities and as it saves a lot of commuting time. Additional you can participate in extra-curricular activities.


Q28. Is hostel fee inclusive of laundry and mess charges?

Ans: The hostel fee is not inclusive of the laundry charges but mess charges are included (for vegetarian meals & breakfast only). Multi cuisine cafeterias and food courts on the campus cater to diverse taste and palates, which can be availed on self paid basis by desirous students.


Q29. Is the quality of food is offered to the students in mess hygienic & satisfactory?

Ans: Students are provided with good quality vegetarian only food in the mess (hygiene tested).  Food is cooked in vegetal oils. Canteens are also available on campus & just outside for occasional charge of taste. Only good quality raw materials are used.


Q30. What are the facilities offered in Non AC hostel accommodation? 

Ans: Essential furniture e.g. study table, chair, cupboard, bed sheets, pillow covers, towels are offered and laundry services are on paid basis. Twin sharing or Triple Sharing accommodation is for first & second year students and single seated accommodation for senior year students are available. For details visit college websites or group website www.sgei.org


Q31. What are the withdrawal guidelines from the Academics?

 Ans: Refund is as per the AICTE/AKTU norms. Application for withdrawal from the program is to be submitted to Registrar office  of the college. No withdrawal will be processed after 15days of start of semester.


Q32. What is the process of applying for refund of hostel fee?

Ans: Any Application for Withdrawal should have the concurrence of parent/guardian and should reach the Registrar office, after “No dues” clearance of Chief Warden  (after getting clearance from Hostel Administration), specifying the date of leaving. The following guidelines will be applicable:-

Students who withdraw from the hostel without occupying the room even for a single day will be refunded the full amount of hostel fee and security. Students, who have stayed in the hostel for a month or less, shall pay charges for two months, and the remaining amount of fee & security will be refunded.

If stay is over a month and less than three months, students will be eligible for refund of half of the academic year’s hostel fee and security deposit. Any request of hostel withdrawal after three months (90 days) will not get the benefit of any refund other than the security deposit.


Q33. Is there any transportation facility for day scholars?

Ans: Yes, we offer colleges bus service in each Sharda Campus for local students, which covers maximum part of Agra-Mathura. For detailed information on routes followed and bus fare, you are requested to contact College Registrar office, because bus routes for colleges may be different e.g. bus services to Firozabad & Bharatpur available only in AEC.


Q34. Are the Colleges/Institutes affiliated and duly approved by competent?

Ans: SGI: Its Agra & Mathura campus are affiliated with AKTU (UPTU) and courses are approved by AICTE. For more details refer the tab on courses & programmes.


Q35. Recognition is from UGC Or AICTE. Whether It Is AICTE Approved Or Not?

Ans: The Agra-Mathura campuses of Sharda & its courses are approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) & affiliated to A.P.J Abdul Kalam University (AKTU- formerly UPTU). B.Pharma & M.Pharma courses are further approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) and the Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) course is approved by Council of Architecture. B.Ed., M.Ed., B.P.Ed., BBA, BCA courses are affiliated to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University; Agra (AICTE approval not needed).


Q36. What About The Faculty? Do you have qualified senior faculty?

Ans: We Have 350(+)Strong Faculty Body Which Consists Of Several Highly Qualified And experienced Individuals, Many of them are with advanced Degrees (Masters & Doctoral) from the IIT’S, NIT’S, Top US Universities And other High-Quality Institutions. Average faculty experience is 10(+) years. There are senior Industry experienced professionals thus the faculty is a healthy mix of Industry & academic.


Q37. What is the educational background of Faculty?

Ans: Many of the senior faculty are from IIT’s, NIT’s,& other colleges of National repute. A no. of visiting faculty are also available from the Industry. Almost 85% of the faculty is M.Tech , Ph.D or P.G.

Faculty is known for their R & D work as well publications in National & International refereed Journals.


Q38. What is FDI (Faculty development institute)?

Ans: Training is given to the college faculty for enhance effectiveness of teaching and the used modern styles of teaching & improving the teaching pedagogy.


Q39. What are the profiles of students studying in SGI?

Ans: Students at SGI  have good academic background  & come from all parts of the country.


Q40.How are SGI students better than those from other colleges?

Ans: The focus is on Application Based Learning & additional classes on  Personality Development (PDP)  for overall development.

Some of the other initiatives which differedntiates us from others:

  • National Industry Tours,
  • Industrial Internships,
  • Sports Meet,
  • Student clubs
  • Techno-Management & Cultural Fest
  • Summer Intern Programme
  • Innovation Day
  • A variety of cultural programmes


Q41. Name the basic class activities?

Ans: The basic activities offered to the students in the class rooms are like live projects, assignments, presentations, group discussions, etc which are also followed by continuous evaluation at regular intervals.


Q42. Is summer training organized by the college or students?

Ans: Summer Training is arranged by the college for those students who apply for it & request is put upto the T & P deptt. Through their personal acquaintances also or the students can arrange it by themselves.


Q43. What Is The Procedure For Summer Training / Internship?

Ans:Summer Trainings Are Scheduled In The Month Of June compulsory for 3rd yr B.Tech students & optional for 2nd yr B.Tech students. B-Tech Students Undergo 6 Weeks Of Training after 6th Sem as compulsory. B-Tech Biotech / Pharma Students Undergo 4 Weeks Of Training After 6th Sem. MBA Students Undergo 4 To 6 Weeks Of Summer Training After 2nd Sem Depending Upon The Curriculum.


Q44. Does the college arrange internship or the student has to arrange for Summer Trainings/Internships?

Ans: We have a dual policy. Many students have good connections in Industry through relatives & acquaintances & some prefer to go to specific cities/companies where it is easy to make stay arrangements with friends etc. We allow such students to arrange their own (only training request letters are provided by the Training & Industry Interface Deptt.). If a student wants assistance the T&P & Industry Interface helps to arrange internships.


Q45. Who are the Industry partners of SGI in training program?

Ans: IBM, Oracle, there are strong linkages & tie ups. Some names MSME; Huawei virtual tabs & IIT-Delhi virtual tabs exist. In addition repeated organizations like TCS, J.K.Tyres, Bhushan steels, Lanco power, Jindal steel & power , Ashok leyland, Maruti Suzuki, Ginni Filamenb & a large no. of other companies offer training opportunities to our students. Sharda also has an MOV with National Skill Development Corporation of the Govt. of India & a large no. of programmes are conducted as “Value Added Training” by our Industry Trained Faculty leading to Internationally acceptable skill certification.


Q46. Do you conduct Guest Lectures?

Ans: Yes, Many Industry experts are invited for Guest Lectures from time to time. In every there are 2 to 3 guest lecture in each deptt that help students learn better.


Q47. Are there extra charges for Industrial Visit, National Tour?

Ans: The industry tours are subsidized & optional. No, Extra charges are taken from the students if it is included in the fee (as in case of Mgf. Students) otherwise 50% cost (about) is borne by college; the last by the student.


Q48. Are there any personality development programmes (PDP) and improving communication skills Classes for the development of students?

Ans: Sharda colleges put a lot of emphasis on development of “soft skills” and employability enhancement programmes. A full-fledged deptt. Of Training & Development with one 20 full time training faculty exists for the purpose and outside experts are also invited.


Q49. What are soft skills & why you put so much emphasis on soft skills, if our academic grades are good?

Ans: Soft skills are the skills of your behavior at the workplace. It includes good communication skills; interpersonal & behavioural skills and emotional maturity (regulation) and attitudes (positive, CAN-DO attitude).

For success in job/career soft skills play as important a role as your knowledge & technical skills. That is why we put so much emphasis on soft skills & have a full fledged Deptt. of Training & Development for this purpose in each Sharda College.


Q50. What is the on campus placement criterion of the SHARDA Colleges?

Ans: Sharda assures 100% placement assistance. In order to be successful in the recruitment process, every student is required to achieve a minimum of 60% overall score in 10th, 12th & graduation level; as per past experience along with good domain & soft skills, for which special training is imparted (this also includes excellent communication skills in English). However to be eligible for placement there is no% age criteria other than that the student should not have a current backlog.


Q51. Is There A Guarantee For The Placement?

Ans: No, There Is NO Guarantee For Placement. We Provide 100% Assistance To The Students In Finding The Jobs As Per Their Course And Aptitude. We Create Opportunities For Them And Not Job Guarantees. They Have To Make Equal Effort In The Same. In the past years over 300(+) companies have provided opportunities to our students every year for last six years & over 1100(+) placements have happened.


Q52. What are my chances of Placement?

Ans: Placement is consequence of students preparation & personal commitment. We take the guarantee only to bring sufficient opportunities (more than 300(+) companies in the campus).Your potential will decide how well you grab the opportunity. If you have prepared based on academic, skill development & self skills inputs given to you; most likely you will through.


Q53. What is the status of placement?

Ans: With so many companies recruiting from one campuses, naturally we have excellent placement record.1100 + students get placed in companies like TCS, HCL, CapGemini, ICICI bank, Escorts, L&T etc. every year  out of an interested & eligible lot of 1200 to 1250; thus almost 85% students get placed. This excludes students of underprivileged categories who generally prefer to go for public sector openings.


Q54. Profile of Companies who visit the campus?

Ans: The campus has been visited by well known reputed companies like – L&T,TCS, WIPRO,IBM,ICICI,BIRLA SOFT, CAPGEMINI, BLUE STAR, META CUBES, AMAZON, NTT DATA (Japanese MNC) etc. consistently over the previous six years over 300(+) corporate have visited every year and recruitment 1100(+) students inspite of Jobless Growth of Industry & recessionary trends. Refer the tab on Placements for more details, in group website  www.sgei.org . Placement opportunities are common across the Sharda Colleges; as all eligible students participate in the placement opportunities.


Q55. Can you tell for provide a complete list companies which visit for placements & their annual package?

Ans: The demand of companies from year to year varies some are more regular recruiters; others visit after a gap. Sharda Colleges have a rich interface with about 3000(+) companies and in a given year 300(+) companies evaluate & extend offers to our students: over 33,000(+) students have so far been placed from Sharda Campuses.

Please refer to the Placement Tab in the website www.sgei.org for more details.


Q56. What is the average package offered? What is the maximum package offered?

Ans: The average salaries are 2.5 L.p.a in the beginning ranging more typically from 1.5l.p.a to 7.5l.p.a depending on talent, which quickly grows by 200% about in next 5 to 7years depending on students passion & initiatives. All our Alumni are doing really well in their careers. Occasionally maximum packages of 10L.p.a or 15L.p.a have also been offered (in overseas placements) but that is an exception.


Q57. Can you provide the details regarding your M.Tech course?

Ans: We have M.Tech in the following Disciplines

  • Mech Engg.( CAD/CAM)
  • Production Engg.
  • E&C Engg. (VLSI Design)
  • E&I Engg.  (Control Systems)
  • Computer science & Engg.

For admission regarding M.Tech

  • Minimum 60% in B. Tech from AICTE approved institutions in related domain along with a meritorious rank in UPSEE (after class XII)
  • GATE percentile is preferred.

Please walk in to Central Admission Cell: SGI Towers, 500mts from Bhagwan Talkies, towards Mathura on Agra – Mathura Highway (NH-2) Agra – 282005.


Q58. Do you offer distance learning program?

Ans: No, at present we do not have distance learning program but we are planning to introduce it in future.


Q59. Is there any Uniform for the students?

Ans: Yes, College uniform is there for all the students at a specific initial cost (which is excluded from the fee). The college processes & college Tailoring contractor gives the first set of uniform (including winter cloths, ties etc.) within 45 days of training subsequent repunishment is borne by student if need arises.


Q60. Does SGI have a 24-hour library facility in the college campus?

Ans: No, we have a 12-hour library facility in the campus which remains open for extra hours as per demand of students during examination time.


Q61. What are extracurricular activities offered to students apart from studies?

Ans: Student clubs are there to harness the various talents and interests of the students. Center for Dramatics & Fine Arts is there to promote dramatics. Various workshops are conducted regularly and mentored by faculty of the Deptt.  Of  lecture & performing Arts  who are nationally renowned and acclaimed.

Techno- Management & Cultural Fest is organized by the students every year. The campus contains all facilities like National level Sports Complex, Badminton Club, Tennis court, Basketball, Football, Cricket field, Open Air Theatre, etc., State-of-the-art Auditorium & IT enabled classrooms, labs and library exist on the campuses merging excellent infrastructure for both sports activities & academic activities. In 2015 Sharda organized the Sharda Taj Marathon which saves a participation of over 30000 runners.


Q62. Are there any gym or yoga classes for the students for physical fitness?

Ans: Yes, there is gym facility available in the campus and yoga classes are also run by the experienced yoga teachers.


Q63. Do you have any feedback system?

Ans: Every semester twice the feedback of the students about the faculty is taken, for correcting any lapses & informing the faculty how the students understand the subject matter.


Q64. Is there any guest house available for the parents?

Ans: No, guest house facility is not available for the parents. In emergency situation we can arrange accommodation for one night. Two guest rooms are available in girls hostel & two rooms in college guest house. During admission time parents have to stay with their wards in the hostel room itself.


Q65. What is the security system?

Ans: We have outsourced the college security to renowned security agency. Guards are available 24X7, at all vantage points including main gate, girls hostel, boys hostel etc. & are connected by an in campus intercom system.


 Q66. For medical emergencies what  arrangements exist?

Ans: Trained medical attendant staff is available 24*7 on campus & qualified Doctor visits            during the day. For emergency situation an Ambulance is available 24*7 on campus for     referring to the city hospitals with which the college has a tie-up.


Q67. Is there any shop available of daily usage products in the campus?

Ans: Yes, there is one shop available in each college campus for daily usage products, stationary & photocopy, haircutting & cafeteria for Day & Night for snacks & Tea.