visit of Coordinator of VE Cell, AKTU, Lucknow

Head Value Education Cell, AKTU, visited HCST, the Nodal Centre of Universal Human Values Professional Ethics
Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Mathura, the flagship college of SGI, was declared the Nodal Centre for the ‘Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics’ by AKTU, Lucknow in December, 2015. The Nodal Centre has been conducting various activities related to Human Values for its students, faculty members and staff members of the college from time to time. The university decided the visit of Head VE Cell to all the Nodal Centres of UHVPE in UP to evaluate the activities at all the Nodal Centres. In this series Prof. Bhanu Pratap Singh, Head / Coordinator of Value Education Cell and Prof. Gopal Babu of AKTU, Lucknow, visited the college. They conducted meetings with the Director, Deans, HODs, Faculty Members and students of the college separately to evaluate the performance of the centre. The university team was happy to know that the Nodal Centre fulfills the criterion of having the trained faculty members in the ratio of 1:20 to mentor students as per AICTE mandate. Prof. Bhanu Pratap was quite satisfied with the activities like conducting at least 2 workshops in a year for the faculty members of the college and nearby colleges of Agra, Mathura, Aligrah, Firozabad region, developing faculty members as Resource Person for UHVPE workshops, participation of the students and non-teaching staff members in the workshops. The nodal centre has 25 trained faculty and staff members. Four faculty members of the college have attended advanced level workshops of UHVPE. All these four faculty members are in the capacity of Resource Person to conduct workshops for teachers of other colleges. The Director Dr. R.K. Upadhyay assured the team to provide necessary support for the work of UHVPE as and when needed. The convener of the Nodal Centre, Dr. Mamta Sharma, told that the university assigns responsibilities to the teachers of the Nodal Centre to conduct workshops as Resource Person, Co-Resource Person and Observers in other colleges of AKTU. The Coordinator of the VE Cell of HCST, Dr. Yudhishthir Singh, told that the college administration is very helpful in all the activities of inculcating Value Education among the students. At least 10 students have attended workshop at IIT, Kanpur and AKGEC, Ghaziabad, in the previous session.
The department of Humanities is taking lead in the activities of Value Education in the HCST. The college has established VE Cell to look after the activities of the college. The nodal center has conducted university’s first eight-day workshop of UHVPE for the non-teaching staff of the college in June 2018. Dr. Yudhishthir Singh was the Resource Person of this eight-day workshop.
On this occasion, the Director Prof. R.K. Upadhyay, all the HODs, teacher of VE Dr. Keshav Dev and Mr. Sunil Garg, Faculty Members, and students were present.