Guest Lecture by Shri Bhanu Pratap on Human Values @ HCST

Living with Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility is living in Human Consciousness
An Eight-day Faculty Development Program on ‘Universal Human Values & Professional Ethics (Level-2) was started under the ages of AKTU, and funded by TEQIP-III in the flagship college of SGI, Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Mathura from 21st to 28th December, 2018. As many as 35 faculty members from various engineering colleges of UP participated in that. It was a residential workshop in which most of the participants stayed in the college hostel. Padamshri, Shri Mohan Swaroop Bhatiya was the Chief Guest and Dr. Laxmi Gautam, Founder, Kanakdhara Foundation, Mathura was the Guest of Honour of the Inaugural Function. Mr. Bhanu Pratap Singh Ji, Head Value Education Cell, AKTU, were the Resource Person, Dr. Divya Bhartaria, Dr. Priyanka Gautam and Mr. Vikash Kumar were the Co-facilitator and observer appointed by the university. In the beginning of the function, Chief Guest, Guest of Honour, Resource Person and other dignitaries lit the lamp before Maa Saraswati and Mr. A. Mukund Lal and Mr. Dimpy Mishra recited Saraswati vandana. EVP Prof. V.K. Sharma, Director Prof. R.K. Upadhyaya welcomed all the dignitaries by presenting bamboo plants as a token of love.
Director Prof. R.K. Upadhyay welcomed the guests and the participants of the FDP and told that we are facing a lot of problems in professional education specially technical education and to get the solution we the faculty members, Heads of the Departments, Parents and other responsible persons of the society have to become role model for the students. This comes under the professional ethics of each and every professional. Lastly he wished that at the end of the workshop all the participants after having the knowledge of human values, will become role model for their students in the class. He said that Right work and conduct of today will make bright future of the students of tomorrow. EVP, Prof. V.K. Sharma also welcomed all the participants and Guests in the FDP and stressed to ensure Right Education and Sanskar for all the students of the colleges.
Since 2011, Mr. Bhanu Pratap Singh has taken more than 60 FDPs on UHVPE and has trained more than 3000 faculty members. He told that on the basis of technical education only, people are misusing natural resources without consideration that these are limited on the Earth and causes scarcity of the natural resources and global warming. Today, educational institutions are imparting education without values. As a result, living in relationship with all human beings is not possible now a days and the existence of human being is in danger. Later he discussed the role of education in holistic development of human being. He told that Existence is Co-existence. Means there are units and space in the existence and are in co-existence. Units are submerged in space. The space is unlimited and ever present and units are limited. There is constant energy in the space. All the units are self organized and energized in space. Units are active and there is no activity in the space. That is why space is called ‘Nitya’.
Further he differentiated human consciousness and animal consciousness. He told that in animal consciousness, a man just live for physical facilities so does not get continuous happiness. Although continuous happiness is the basic aspiration of all human beings in the world. When we pay attention on all the three: Right Understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility, we live in human consciousness. As a result we live with mutual happiness in the society.
All the participants practiced seeing their thoughts and analyzed them on the basis of feelings. Participants were able to see their imagination in themselves. They were able to see Desires, Thoughts and Expectation on their own. This practice was done at least 5 to 6 times in a day. Human being was seen as the co-existence of Self ‘I’ and ‘body’ on the basis of their needs, activities and types. Mr. Singh told that the needs of Self ‘I’ are like respect, trust, love and other feelings. The needs of self are not physical. On the other hand the needs of body are physical facilities. The needs of body cannot be fulfilled by the needs of self and the needs of ‘I’ cannot be fulfilled by the needs of body. The needs of self are fulfilled by right understanding and right feelings. Whereas the needs of the body are fulfilled by physio-chemical things. The activities of self ‘I’ are knowing, assuming, recognizing and fulfilling. But in the body only two activities are possible i.e. recognizing and fulfilling. ‘I’ takes the responsibility to keep the body fit. He told that ‘Trust’ plays an important role in human-human relationship. One develops trust on other if one sees that the other is working for the happiness and prosperity of him. In the absence of this feeling, one cannot continue relationship with other. Trust is called the foundation value in relationship. Regarding respect he told that Respect is right evaluation of the person and if right evaluation is not their the person feels disrespect. In this series he discussed rest of the eight feeling which are needed in a healthy relationship.
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