Fellowship awarded to Dr. R.K Upadhyay (Director- HCST) by IET London

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Fellowship awarded to Dr. R.K Upadhyay (Director- HCST) by IET London

Hindustan Campus > Achivements  > Fellowship awarded to Dr. R.K Upadhyay (Director- HCST) by IET London

Fellowship awarded to Dr. R.K Upadhyay (Director- HCST) by IET London

Prof. (Dr.) Rajiv Kumar Upadhyay, Director, Hindustan College of Science and Technology Farah, Mathura was awarded the fellowship by the Institute IET, London (founded -1871) incorporated in the fellowship in Royal Chapter of London in 1921

This fellowship is for I.E.T. Awarded by the Royal Chapter Society, London, for outstanding performance in the engineering and scientific fields in the world. The aim of this Society is   to work in the field of human welfare through engineering and technology.

Dr. Upadhyay has published 3 books in Mechanical Engineering. His one patent and one copyright have also been published recently.

An interview of Dr. Upadhyay was telecast on Altras T.V Russia on the topic “Contribution of Technology to Progressive Society”. Dr. Upadhyay is a member of the international society of productivity enhancement and quality council of India. He is currently working in the field of additive manufacturing and 3D printing.

Mr. P.K. Gupta, Chairman Sharda Group and Mr. Y.K. Gupta, Vice-Chairman Executive Vice President Prof. V.K. Sharma and all the teachers Congratulated him on this special achievement.