Valedictory Function of 'BIOSCI- CON-2022' @ HCST

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Valedictory Function of ‘BIOSCI- CON-2022’ @ HCST

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Valedictory Function of ‘BIOSCI- CON-2022’ @ HCST

Valedictory Function of ‘BIOSCI- CON-2022’ @ HCST

·         Prof.  D.K. Sharma, Director, CIRG., Makhdum, Mathura and Prof. A.K.S. Rawat, Executive Director, Ethno Medical Research Centre, Imphal were the chief guest and special guest of the program.

Hindustan College of Science and Technology, Mathura, a prestigious institute of Sharda Group, concluded a 4-day International Convention (Biosci-con- 2022) under the joint aegis of the Department of Biotechnology, and Indian Society of Genetics, Biotechnology Research and Development, Agra. The Director of the Institute Dr. Rajeev Kumar Upadhyay honored the Chief Guest Prof. D.K. Sharma and Guest of Honour, Prof. A.K.S. Rawat, by presenting them with saplings and patka, thanked all the participants of the convention for participating and inspired them to do research work in the national interest in future. He said that Hindustan College has been organizing such conferences, workshops and seminars to promote research work so that innovative ideas may arise in the mind of the students and they can help in nation building by becoming the best engineers and scientists of the future. We hope that all the students participating in the convention will be benefited by this and will give new heights to research work in future.  He said that it was actually a world level Science Congress in which famous scientists, researchers from many countries presented their research papers. The college has also invited the students of intermediate level in this convention to increase interest in them in science-based research work at the school level.

On this occasion, the convener of the convention Dr. Ajay Sharma explained in detail about the Bioscience-Con 2022 and the Department of Biotechnology Hindustan College. He thanked all the invited scientists and subject experts to the convention for giving their valuable time and expressed hopes to remain associated with the institute in future also.

Mr. Anurag Bajpai, co-convener of Bioscience Con-2022, said that the convention has received more than 500 research papers which have been published in the journal of the convention. In this convention, the students of many intermediate colleges of Braj region demonstrated their participation by presenting their posters.

On this occasion, the special guest of the program Prof. A.K.S. Rawat, Executive Director, Ethno Medical Research Centre, Imphal said that this convention has been very successful as we were fortunate to hear Novel Laureate Arthur Ridikar, an agricultural scientist in this convention. He said that in the world we can achieve rapid development by promoting research in the fields of medical technology, bio-technology and agricultural technology.

Similarly the Chief Guest of the program, Prof. D.K. Sharma, Director of CIRG thanked Hindustan College and said that all the participants are very fortunate that they listened to world-renowned scientists and experts in this 4-day convention and got information about state-of-the-art technology from them. He said that the biological system is very complex and biologists are doing research work day and night to understand it. He said that all the disciplines of science are related to each other. He further said that if any gene makes any product, it is affected by many environmental factors, so that the events of mutation are also seen.

On this occasion, the best research papers, poster presentations and the participants who did excellent work in the fields of young scientists, and teachers were honored with various awards.

Shri Anshuman Upadhyay conducted the convention successfully. At the end of the program, President of Dhadkan Foundation and the Secretary General of ISGBRD and Director of Bioscience Con-2022, Dr. P.K. Upadhyay thanked all the guests and participating researchers and students who attended the convention.