Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR)

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Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR)

Hindustan Campus > Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsiblity (CSR)

CSR initiatives of SHARDA GROUP is all about the deep concern & commitment of SHARDA to behave as good corporate citizens ethically and to contribute towards the economic, social and environmental development of the areas in our surroundings.


A. Student Connect Program (SCP)

  1. Career counseling, mentoring & guidance to students of Class  XI & XII of Agra, Mathura and surrounding region schools. (for more details visit
  2. To provide a common platform for the school principal and faculty to meet and training on psychological career counseling of students.
  3. Open Day : Live Counseling and campus tour in Sharda campuses.
  4. Virtual Platform for students where they can test their intelligence, social and psychological needs, skills and technical know how.
  5. Awarding and recognizing meritorious school teachers .

B. Clean drinking water ‘RO’ for villages in Agra & Mathura and sponsorship for installation of cheap water treatment plants.


C. Vocational training programs for the village youth (specially girls and women) of Mathura, Agra  and surrounding regions to make them economically independent and empowered.


# Dindayal Dham Initiative :

  1. To develop villages under SHARDA commitment for this cause.
  2. Providing low cost solutions to villages regarding  social, economical and environmental problems.

# SHARDA’S R&D initiatives for Rural Development-Around 15 projects, to name a few :

  1. Creation of Solar cell using cheap energy sources such as Industrial dyes etc.
  2. Design and development of Polymer filled Concrete.
  3. PCR based detection of Mastitis pathogens directly from milk samples.
  4. Process parameter optimization for the alcoholic fermentation of potato.
  5. Blood bank Information system.

# Two environment clubs Pehal and Prakriti in operation :

  1. Organizing environmental and social awareness through informal initiatives, Pad-Yatras, Nukkad Nataks.
  2. Organizing GREEN-OLYMPIAD and Tree Plantation drives.
  3. Water Harvesting, Waste Management etc.

# Mitra Microfinance :

  1. Group and individual level economic development.
  2. Educating the poor community, club members and students about microfinance and its benefits.
  3. Implementation of microfinance initiatives and future possibilities in the field.

# Education Beyond Boundary (EBB) :

  1. To teach students from underprivileged areas.
  2. Free career counseling, scholarships etc.