Best Chemical Engineering Colleges in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Chemical Engineering

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Top Chemical Engineering Colleges in UP

Chemical Engineering is all about analysis, simulation, diagnostic, control, coding and optimization of chemical processes. Chemical engineering is a multi-disciplinary branch of engineering that combines natural and experimental sciences such as physics and chemistry along with life sciences plus mathematics and economics to conceive, design, develop, operate and manage the industrial processes which turn raw material into useful materials.


B.Tech Chemical Engineering at Sharda Group includes fundamental understanding of physics, chemistry and mathematics along with the core areas of chemical engineering like thermodynamics, transport processes and chemical kinetics. The program combines knowledge of engineering and chemistry for the production of several chemicals and related by-products.


Chemical Engineering is a varied field, covering areas from biotechnology and nanotechnology to mineral processing. Chemical engineering supports the operational & plant & machinery requirements of various fields of chemical technology in mineral based industries, petrochemical plants, pharmaceuticals, synthetic fibres, petroleum refining plants, solvents, dyes, paints & varnishes, fertilizers & agro chemicals, industrial chemicals, rubbers, plastics & polymers, soaps & detergents, cosmetics etc.

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Carl Jung

Chemical Engineering

Brief/Program Structure: B.Tech Chemical Engineering program is designed to equip students with a sound understanding of the fundamental theories and concepts of chemical engineering. The students are equipped with the knowledge to transform raw materials into useful products safely and efficiently with minimal environmental impact.


During the course, students acquire knowledge in the integration of engineering principles and applications with chemistry and other sciences.  During the program, students are provided with in-depth knowledge of optimizing and controlling chemical engineering processes using appropriate mathematical and simulation tools. Students are also provided in-depth knowledge and understanding of designing a process plant through modules. Industrial training is also the part of curriculum at Sharda Group to develop practical and relevant skills for future employment.

Program Objectives

  • To achieve a high level of technical expertise and excel in positions in chemical engineering practice, research and other fields
  • To conceive, design, implement and operate chemical engineering systems, processes and products
  • To aspire for leadership positions at the leading organizations
  • To pursue life-long learning such as higher studies and other continual professional development


  • Duration: 4 Years

Qualification: 10+2 pass from a recognized board or university with Physics, Chemistry, English and Mathematics as compulsory subjects and a minimum of 50% marks.

Scope/Career Prospects : Chemical Engineers have lots of job opportunities in the manufacturing and other industries. Due to the industrial expansion, chemical engineering is considered as the brightest career option with immense job opportunities. As a professional, a chemical engineer can carry out different roles and responsibilities including designing, supervision, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of the chemical plants and equipments for manufacturing the chemical products.


Studying Chemical Engineering at Sharda Group opens lucrative career opportunities not only for engineering but also for biochemical science, simulations and modeling.  Chemical engineering constitutes of everything – from the food we eat to the clothes we wear. Therefore, chemical engineers have lot of job options in manufacturing industries like chemicals, plastic, food, power production, mining, nanotechnology and petrochemical plants.

Benefits of the Chemical Engineering Program

  • During the program, candidates acquire wide variety of skills
  • Chemical engineers are highly employable and payable
  • Chemical engineering offers exciting career opportunities in different sectors
  • It offers plenty of excitement and new challenges
  • Chemical engineering is not a restrictive choice, but the graduates can go on to successful careers in other fields too
Corporates which recruit SGI Chemical Engineering students
  • All chemical and process industries
  • Government regulating bodies
  • Core sector cement, steel, power, water treatment
  • Waste disposal and processing
  • Research and survey organizations
  • EPC
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • Industrial chemicals, paint, dye, rubber, plastic, polymer, glass
  • Fertilizers and agro chemicals
  • Cosmetics
  • Soaps & Detergents
  • Petroleum refining & by-products
  • Explosives
  • Food processing & preservation
  • Waste management & Bio-technology
  • Minerals processing & extraction
  • Synthetic fibre.

Due to rapid industrialisation, chemical engineers have gained a position among the top money makers. Annual earnings at start vary from minimum Rs. 2.2 lakh p.a. to Rs. 6 lakh p.a. depending on merit & specialization. In 8-10 years time, salaries of Rs. 8-16 lakh p.a. are reasonably expected.

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