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Physical Education

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Physical Education

Bachelor of Physical Education is an undergraduate program that deals with the development and care of the human body. The program focuses on the fundamental principles of physical education including scientific practices, assessment methods, psychological and cultural aspects and leadership development in the students in a range of physical activities.  Sharda Group, regarded as the best institutes for bachelor in physical education program provide elementary as well as secondary physical education training facilities to the students.


The program allows students to explore physical activities and exercises that help improve the well-being of human-body. It grooms the candidates to become elementary or secondary school physical education teachers, coaches, fitness instructors and athletes.  It also provides student-teaching experience to the learners. Bachelor’s degree program at Sharda Group provides training to the students in the areas of motivation, classroom management, diversity and growth etc.

Bachelor of Physical Education is an undergraduate program that deals with the development and care of the human body.

Program Structure : The curriculum for Bachelor of Physical Education program provides a holistic mix of classroom lectures, practical training and teacher-training sessions.  Core courses of the program include: Exercise psychology, anatomy and physiology, motor skills development and kinesiology, injury prevention, first aid and physically adapted activities, nutrition, physical education teaching methods, psychomotor skills, organization and administration.


The syllabus of Bachelor of Physical Education is divided into two parts – theoretical and practical. The curriculum also focuses on effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills of the students to enhance their learning and involvement in various physical activities. Project based learning is interwoven with classroom teaching. The program also teaches various disciplines of the physical activities and also describes the theory of ancient and medieval Vedic yoga.


Program Objectives

  • To integrate a broad and consistent theoretical and technical knowledge related to the health and physical education, exercises and sports science with advanced specialist knowledge
  • To identify and analyze a variety of physical and sports related issues independently and to develop and evaluate professional, evidence based approaches to address specific issues
  • To critically review and apply information with responsibility, autonomy and judgment in order to solve problems related to professional practice
  • To apply evidence-based practice in health and physical education
  • To develop discipline specific knowledge and skills in addition to health, sports science and physical education


Benefits of the Program

  • Bachelor of Physical Education program at Sharda Group combines general education courses and professional education courses with multiple field experience
  • The coursework fulfils the requirements of bachelor degree and initial teaching skills
  • Those who have completed Bachelor of Physical Education degree can further go for higher studies like master’s degree or for the post graduation diploma in health and fitness management.


If you are passionate about sports, physical fitness and want to become a physical education instructor, Bachelor of Physical Education course is best for you.

Scope and Career Prospects : After the completion of program, the degree enables students to be employed in public as well as private sectors where they can represent themselves in sporting events or games in various matches or tournaments.  They can work in different areas including:

  • Colleges/private schools
  • Sports team
  • Fitness center
  • Sports journalism
  • Sports and business marketing
  • Sports equipment industries 
Corporates which recruit SGI Bachelor of Physical Education students
  • Sports and Business Marketing
  • Health & sports related organizations
  • Sports Journalism
  • Fitness Centre
  • Sports Equipment Industries
  • Colleges
  • Private Schools
  • Hotel Industries
  • Sports Team

In the beginning, you can earn Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 30,000 on a monthly basis. The salary in the field of Physical education depends upon the sports you have chosen. After an experience & on the basis of the skills, the salary will rise with multi-fold.

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