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Hindustan Campus > SCHOLARSHIPS

Merit Scholarships At SHARDA (Agra & Mathura Campuses)

There are Merit cum means scholarships offered to applicants by the Govt of U.P. through the Samaj Kalyan Department (visit AKTU website for details)- e.g. SC/ST; OBC and financially weaker sections. In addition, to create a healthy competition among the students for academic excellence, the college has planned merit scholarships, for meritorious students already studying at Hindustan Campus. Student obtaining position in the first five rankings overall or first two rankings of his/her branch in the university examination in any academic year is awarded merit scholarship by the Hindustan Campus of Sharda Educational Trust.

In addition, the management has instituted the ‘Best Project Prize’ and ‘Second Best Project Prize’ for the final year students of each branch. This encourages the students to work on projects having some quality and scope for implementing the projects in real time. In addition to attract meritorious students the Hindustan Campus of Sharda Educational Trust offers its preset scholarships in all its Institutions to the new entrants as per the undermentioned criteria:

#Group reserves the right to amend policy time to time

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